The Leader of Float Therapy Industry in Russia
What is Floating

A float tank (also called an isolation tank or sensory deprivation tank) is essentially the perfect bath tub. They vary in size, but the typical tank is 2,5 meters long and 1,5 meters wide. Air is allowed to freely flow in and out, and the door never locks or latches.

It holds about 30cm of water, which is saturated with 400kgs of Epsom salt. This creates a solution more buoyant than the Dead Sea, and you float on your back about half in and half out of the water.

The water itself is kept at the average skin temperature (35 C), which allows you to lose track of your body. The tank is sound proof and, when you turn off the light, completely dark.

No gravity, no touch, no sight, and no sound. Just pure nothing.

Why People Float
Global Float Industry
Though Float Tanks were invented in 1950s and introduced to wide public in 1980s, the industry started booming in 2010s along with the trends of healthy lifestyle, mindfulness and selfcare.

The number of Float Centres since 2011 grew from 10-20 to almost 1500 globally and it continues to grow from year to year.

The number of float tanks manufacture companies also grew from 2 to est. 15 globally.

The main markets at the moment are USA, Canada, Europe and Australia.

According to industry experts in 10-15 years the Float Therapy market could be compared to the market of spa and massage.

About Flotarium
We opened our first float-center in Moscow in 2017 having 3 float tanks and quickly became the leader on the Russian market.

Today we've got 3 float-centres (2 in Moscow and 1 in St. Petersburg) with total of 14 float tanks.

We run around 3000 float sessions monthly and have accumulated a solid base over 45 000 clients in 4 years time. All our 3 centres are fully booked 1 month in advance.

We also manufacture the float-tanks for our centres (type A and type B acc. to the pic. above)
Below is our instructional video for first time floaters coming to our centres. Its in Russian, but its just to give you an understanding of how our centres look from the inside
Key Figures
With internet sales and marketing being our main focus and competitive advantage we reached some impressive financial figures.

Last 6 months:
Our average monthly revenue per float-room (15sqm) is USD 8600
with net profit of 4400 USD per float-room

By these indicators we perform the best thoughout the whole global float-therapy industry, ranking higher than the biggest franchise chains in USA and Canada.
What we propose
WIth our business-model and automated sales, marketing and booking systems being fully scalable we have no doubts in repeating and enhancing our success in any large city.

1) We estimate Dubai and Abu Dhabi together have a market capacity of 100 float tanks and currently seek capital resources to fulfil it.

2) Investing into a UAE based float-tank manufacturing company will in a short-term time create a leader on the Asian markets and compete with manufacturers in America and Europe

We strongly believe that your experience in growing big business projects and our float industry expertise will lead us to growing into one of global leaders in the industry of well- being.